150 Self-Care Activities
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150 Self-Care Activities to Keep You Happy & Well-Dressed

Self-care is a buzzword that has almost lost its meaning. (Thank you, marketers.) But, at their core, the best self-care ideas all revolve around taking time away from your responsibilities to ensure that you — your heart, soul, and body — have what you need to face the next day. A good self-care routine is…

Lifestyle | All Blogs | Grooming

Incredible Reasons to Practice Self-Care Now!

What is self-care? Self-care, or the identification of your personal needs and making the effort to meet those needs, is an extremely important (and often forgotten) practice nowadays. Many sources of stress are experienced regularly, including work-related pressure, financial duress, mental and emotional stress, and more. Typically, when we feel overwhelmed, the first thing we…